Google ved decoder

reverse engineering Google's tracking parameter

decoded output will show here

how to use

  1. copy & paste a ved parameter to the input field
  2. press "decode"
  3. enjoy


It's probably not suprising anyone that Google keeps detailed track of what features are seen and used on the search result pages (serps). One way Google is doing this is to place a parameter (ved) to HTML elements and URLs. This is very similar to what people do when appending utm-parameters to their URLs. While this ved-parameter might look like a random string of characters and numbers it isn't. It actually contains some very detailed information on what type of element, at what time and which position is clicked.

technical stuff

Google is using two standards for encoding the data. One is base64 (url-safe variant) which is a very well known binary to text encoding scheme. The second one is protocol buffers a not so well known alternative to json. Google is using protocol buffers in a lot of places. Protocol buffers is something technical readers of this page might want to look into.

In the input field above you can insert the ved-parameter. The tool then decodes it. There are some limitation since the whole process was reverse engineered. Do not hestitate to contact me if you have a question or encounter a bug.

feedback welcome

If you like this tool, experience any problems, have ideas for upgrades or just want to say hi, feel free to contact me on Mastodon @VorticonCmdr.